Fried Rosenstock


Fried Rosenstock (1943, Kassel, Germany – 2024, Berlin) was a prominent figure on the contemporary art scene. His career has been marked by a deep engagement with the themes of non-identical twins, shadow and light, movement and stillness.


Rosenstock is known for his installations and performances, which have been shown in numerous international exhibitions and art actions. In 2005, Rosenstock was awarded second prize for his installation ‘Conus’ at the ‘Arte è Vita’ exhibition in Potsdam. In the same year, he performed ‘Erde betanzen – pulsanda tellus’ at the Villa Romana in Florence. His creative journey continued with notable installations and performances, including ‘Shadow bathing’ in Florence (2006), ‘Salmast II’ at Kunstverein Zingst on the Baltic Sea (2007) and ‘Wintertime mowing’ in Berlin (2009).


The artist has also made notable appearances at the Luminale in Frankfurt (2010, 2012, 2014), where his performance ‘Lampyris IV’ and later ‘Lampyris notiluca’ were particularly noteworthy. In Berlin, he participated in events such as the Month of Performance Art and the Berlin International Directors Lounge, where he exhibited works such as ‘L’artista santo’ and ‘The shadow of myself’.

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From the top left clockwise: Hideaway Pieces, from the performance Oval masonite, 1974 / Selfelevation Outside Institutions, 1978 / L’artista santo, Luminale 2012, Frankfurt am Main. Photo: Simon Malz / Fata Morgana transmedial, Performance and video, Kunsthof Kreuzberg, 2019 / Il principio speranza. Das Prinzip Hoffnung, Biennale ‘Le latitudini dell’arte’, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, July 15, 2017, Performance with Sharevolution contemporary art, Panel 200 × 90 cm, Crayon on black panel. Photo: Ilaria Casalino / The shadow of myself, laid down, Artists for the Shoah, Segrete del Palazzo Ducale, Genoa 2019 / Lampyris IV – drive in, Parkhaus Projects, Berlin, 2011. Photo: Christian Del Monte
