I like PENINSULA e.V. and I want to become a member.
As a member of PENINSULA e.V., you will be supporting the work that we do on the idea of culture constantly reconstituting and rewriting itself beyond geopolitical boundaries, in enabling forward-thinking exhibitions with international artists.
Your membership helps us to remain an independent and non-profit platform for contemporary art and, likewise, supports the cultural variety of the city.
We appreciate any kind of membership.
Thank you for your support and a warm welcome from Peninsula!
Membership year runs January 1st through December 31st.
PENINSULA Friend: 50 Euro, Friend couple: 80 Euro, Friend student: 30 Euro
PENINSULA Friend supporter: 250 Euro
• Peninsula membership card
• Notifications via newsletter about Peninsula events
• Free admission to Peninsula events
• 10% discount on PENINSULA merchandising
• 10% discount on PENINSULA bar
• Admission to the general assemblies
• Your membership subscription is tax-deductible
Please choose the payment that best suits you among the ones indicated below.
Per remittance
Please transfer the membership fee to the following bank account, referring to your membership name:
Konto-Art: VereinsKonto
Verwendungswunsch: Kultur
Kontoinhaber: Peninsula e.V.
Bank: Berliner Sparkasse
Konto Nr.: 190917741
IBAN: DE40 1005 0000 0190 9177 41
DONATIONS are more than welcome!
Please donate directly by wire transfer or contact us for any further detail.