I like PENINSULA e.V. and I want to become a member.

As a member of PENINSULA e.V., you will be supporting the work that we do on the idea of culture constantly reconstituting and rewriting itself beyond geopolitical boundaries, in enabling forward-thinking exhibitions with international artists.

Your membership helps us to remain an independent and non-profit platform for contemporary art and, likewise, supports the cultural variety of the city.

We appreciate any kind of membership.
Thank you for your support and a warm welcome from Peninsula!

Membership year runs January 1st through December 31st.

PENINSULA Friend: 50 Euro, Friend couple: 80 Euro, Friend student: 30 Euro
PENINSULA Friend supporter: 250 Euro

• Peninsula membership card
• Notifications via newsletter about Peninsula events
• Free admission to Peninsula events
• 10% discount on PENINSULA merchandising
• 10% discount on PENINSULA bar
• Admission to the general assemblies
• Your membership subscription is tax-deductible

    € 50,00€ 80,00€ 30,00€ 250,00


    Please choose the payment that best suits you among the ones indicated below.


    Per remittance
    Please transfer the membership fee to the following bank account, referring to your membership name:

    Konto-Art: VereinsKonto
    Verwendungswunsch: Kultur
    Kontoinhaber: Peninsula e.V.
    Bank: Berliner Sparkasse
    Konto Nr.: 190917741
    IBAN: DE40 1005 0000 0190 9177 41

    DONATIONS are more than welcome!

    Please donate directly by wire transfer or contact us for any further detail.

    Read here our Privacy Policy