SOLAR LOTTERY / Amber Liquid

Curated by Roberta Coletto

Amber Liquid is the last one of six appointments of SOLAR LOTTERY, a series inspired by the randomization processes displayed in the book of the same name written by Philip Dick. Here the role of characters in the society is determined by algorithms and a computerized random lottery as a form of control that circumvents pre-determined social privileges. Following this principle for the
whole series, the selection of artists from Peninsula has been randomly determined and then, in turn, they invited an external artist themselves.

The quartet BlueSoup Group, at its 20th anniversary this year, presents the video Cascade: a roaring watery liquid slowly comes down from the staircase guided by a ritualistic percussive soundtrack composed by James Welburn and Nico Lippolis. For the group it evokes the work of Rene Magritte: figurative images disturbed by the sudden radical violation of narrative conventions. Interior spaces and biomorphic textures, as well as desert ambients, are some common elements of BlueSoup Group’s most recent body of work.

Cascade of Sound is the title of the live performance for gong cymbals and timpani by Nico Lippolis.

The title Amber Liquid, a quote from the book Solar Lottery, hints at the fluidity of sounds as well as the visual experience of it.

15 – 29 October 2016
Vernissage: Saturday 15 October 2016, 6 PM
Pfalzburgerstraße 67, 10719 Berlin
Opening hours: by appointment


4 June 2016
Fiorentino De Martino – Patrick Tabarelli
1 July 2016
Pietro Mele – Bärbel Möllmann and Julia Gerlach
23 July 2016
Ivana Spinelli – Katrin Plavčak
3 September 2016
Fried Rosenstock – Katharina Karrenberg
24 September 2016
Alessia Pastore – Paolo Puddu
15 October 2016
Nico Lippolis – BlueSoup Group